Bringing a Canvas-generated Chief Architect file into your custom template

Step-By-Step Instructions

1. Import your Canvas file(s) into your template:

  • Open the Chief Architect file you received from Canvas
  • Open your Chief Architect plan with the template you need. Select the plan view you want to copy your model to in the Project Browser→ Plan View. In our example, it’s a “CustomTemplate” plan view:
    Chief - Step 1
  • Copy the model from your Canvas file by going to Edit→ Edit Area→  choose model→ Copy:
    Chief - Step 2
  • Paste the Canvas model into your file with the appropriate template.

At this stage, the unit parameters in the pasted file are updated according to the template settings:

Chief - Step 3

2.  Make the walls fit your template parameters

If you need to change the walls to match the parameters of your Template, select the elements you need to update and set an appropriate type of wall in the Walls specification pop-up window. You can change any parameters there, and they’ll be applied to all the walls you selected:

Chief - Step 4

3. Change object specifications:

To change some object styles, select all the needed object samples and set the style and additional settings for them in their properties window:

Chief - Step 5

4. If you have import issues while transferring multi-floor models & roofs

  • Open your Canvas-generated Chief Architect file

  • Open the template you need

  • Copy the Canvas file via the “Edit All Floors” option (Go to “Edit” → Edit Area →  Edit Area (All Floors → Select the area → click “Copy”)

    Chief - Step 6
  • Paste the copied file into your template

  • Open the room settings in the Canvas-generated file, and copy its height and floor settings, if needed

  • Paste the same settings into the Room parameters in your template file (this should be repeated for every room in your model)

  • Review the model in 3D View

  • If any objects are vertically shifted in your template file (flying above the original position), select them, open their specifications and click “OK.” Their position will be updated automatically.